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Wednesday, October 05, 2005


What is a Pharisee?

According to Funk & Wagnalls there are two definitions of a Pharisee. 1. A member of an ancient Jewish sect that emphasised strict observance of ritual. 2. A formal, sanctimonious, hypocritical person.

Not only did Jesus warn his disciples to "beware the leaven of the Pharisees," but the Pharisees were the only people that Jesus actually condemned.

What was the "leaven of the Pharisees" and why did Jesus condemn them?

Well, the leaven of the Pharisees, as the disciples learned, was the teaching of the Pharisees. Teachings that were based more on tradition than on the scriptures. Jesus condemned them precisely for this reason. They refused to accept that He could be the Messiah even though they had the prophecies right in front of them.

Instead, they chose to go with their traditional teachings that the Messiah would be an earthly ruler who would overthrow the government and take charge. Like today's Religious Right who believe they have to legislate morality and impose outside regulations rather than changing people frmo the inside the way Jesus did. After all, that takes too much effort and requires too much trust in God. It requires actually establishing a relationship with a sinner! And it also requires that as disciples of Jesus we act as examples. What sinner would ever want to be a self-righteous twit?

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